Community Gardening Services
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Are you part of a Southwark Tenants and Residents Association (TRA) that wants to improve their estate or gardening skills? We offer bespoke gardening workshops that are designed to your site and needs.
You’ll need to find 10+ individuals who are 19 or older, and demonstrate that they are interested in attending a workshop. Get in touch to find out more, and let us build a workshop for you.
Helping you improve your community
Are you making an application for funding to improve your estate, street or neighbourhood? Let us help you realise your ambition. Previously we’ve supported projects funded by Cleaner Greener Safer in Southwark, the RHS Bursary and the Community Infrastructure Levy. We regularly work for Southwark Council.
Community outreach workshops
Community gardening resources
We work with community gardens and community gardeners to supply resources like plants, pots, seeds, compost and manure. Get in touch to find out if we can support your community gardening group.